5 New Features

Feature 1: Change Color Button

Input: Click the button “Random Color”

Output: Color of the selected object

Feature 2: Clear All Button

Input: Click the “Clear Random” button.

Output: Random objects on the canvas will be deleted.

Feature 3: Random Transform

Input: click the Random Position/Random Rotation/Random Scale button

Output: The selected object’s position/rotation/scale will be Changed to a random position

Feature 4: Change Mesh DropDown

Input: Click an option in the mesh Dropdown (Cube, Sphere, Capsule, Cylinder)

Output: The Selected Object’s Mesh will be changed to the selected Mesh

Feature 5: Destroy After Delay

Input: Drag the delay slider and enable the Destroy Toggle

Output: the Spawned Objects and future spawned objects will be destroyed after the delay duration.

Made withUnity